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Why should you print your photos?

Oh how I LOVE looking at old photos I feel like I am transported back in time.

The memories of a special day and time in history. Holding a photograph, you feel all the feels of that memory again.

I love having photos and albums not only from my own childhood, but of my grandparents and great-grandparents. Looking through these family treasures gives me a sense of where I come from and helps connect the stories of my ancestors that my parents have shared of the past.

I lost one of my best friends when I was in high school and I was left with only a few pictures to remember her by . When I hold one of the photos I can see her bright and energetic smile that radiated happiness and I am taken right back to that time - I swear sometimes I can hear her laugh (one of the greatest sounds). Because of this experience, I usually always have a camera with me so I can hold on to all the special people that I have met throughout my life.

There is something really special about holding a photograph in your hand. I truly believe a photo comes to life when it is printed. The power of print is especially important for children. We have a responsibility to print our photos not only for our children but for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Children love seeing photos of themselves, and research has shown that family photos around your home helps to develop their self-esteem. Being surrounded by photos with their family reinforces a sense of self which helps to build security and confidence! Everytime they look at it they know how much they are loved!!

In this digital age everyone has a cell phone with a camera. There are so many photos being taken and they just hang out in the cloud. How often does anyone go through these photos? Looking through a photo album in your lap is very different than on a computer or cell phone. And a print on your wall can put a smile on your face every day. A print is Art. Photos make great decor. And they make your home a beautiful and warm space, full of love. Pick your favorite images, blow them up, frame them, and make a gallery wall of your life.

My job as a professional photographer is to create precious memories for you and your family. Finished photographs you can hold in your hands that become family treasures. I take this seriously and it makes me so happy to see my work finished and enjoyed in frames, on the walls, and in albums in my client’s homes. And my Clients Love it!!

I would be doing you a disservice to solely hand you digital files and leave it to you to create the final product. My photography business reflects my personal values on the power of photography and the importance of printed photographs. I offer printed photos because I believe in print. Professionally printed photos will last a lifetime and are the safest way to archive your family memories to be passed down from generation to generation.

Whether you take your own family photos or hire a professional, don’t let your photos be forgotten on a hard drive or disappear into the depths of social media. Go Print Your Family Photos!!

If you are interested in capturing the joy your family brings you and decorating your home with Love, Contact us at

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